Here it is 2013 .....2012 is in the past. It was a very sad year for me. We had 3 family deaths, 2 friends from church that were unexpected...numerous serious health issues with friends and family and last my beloved kitty Sadie Mae (10 1/2 yrs) succumbed to Injection Site Sarcoma. I wanted to post this the information for anyone that has a strictly indoor kitty. Please Google this and read up. Had I been given the information I would never have been the conscientious pet owner taking my kitty in for her shots. Had no idea about this. I have been so angry and devastated words can not begin to tell.
Not having children, my fur babies have always been my children. With Sadie Mae she had a difficult life before coming to our loving home at the age of 3. She was so precious. Seems she was very thankful to have found somone to love her. I can certainly relate to that. After losing our pretty Calico Orphant Annie, 3 1/2 years ago, Sadie Mae's personality began to blossom. Annie was the Queen of the house and Sadie knew it.
One day while Sadie was looking out the back enclosed porch, my heart told me to take this photo of her. She loved sitting on the porch, watching the birds come up on our patio, then she would begin to chatter. Oh how I miss this. Also had a cardboard flat with a blanket in it for her. She adored her little sunroom so to speak. is the photo and my words. Notice on the left upper side the lumps that were forming from this horrible cancer. She hung on and wasn't going to let go. We had to make that decision on November more suffering Sadie is ok to let go now.
"so another chapter in my life closes. The tears in my throat are threatening to choke me. It is time for you to walk through this door. Thank you for sharing your life with us."
I miss so you very much my "good good girl Sadie."
Keepsake Korner... creations from stitches of thread...
A warm Hoosier Welcome
It has been a while since this Hoosier gal has posted anything. Am trying to get back in the groove . Will be posted sewing, decorating and crafting tips. I like frugality, using what you have in your present stash.
Sunday, January 6, 2013
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
I need to get back on my blogging more often. Decided the remainder of this week will highlight some Christmas items in my home with crafting tips.
Here you will see the 2 1/2 ft. table top tree in my studio. I have it on top of a cabinet athe end of my long wood sewing table. The tree skirt is an adorable quilted table mat with applique spools "Spoolin Around" by KansasTroubles Quilters.
I will probably add more ornaments as some idea catches my fancy. So far I put a couple vintage tape measures, then clipped some antique wooden straight clothespins to some branches.
Next, an idea with used patterns and styrofoam eggs came to mind. So.....for the eggs simply get whatever size styrofoam egg you want. Add a nice layer of Modge Podge. Then begin layering strips of vintage patterns in crisscross fashion. Set the egg on a plastic drying rack that Folkart painters use. This has the tiny nubs all over. Holds the item up.
The next day do again. You can add however many layers you want. After this was totally dry I made a hole in top, squirted some glue into this area and put loop made with ribbon.
The hang tags were made using some flavored tea dyed tags. After drying I cut out of my quilt magazines tiny pictures of quilts. Glue to tag. Stencil whatever quilting or sewing term on the tag. I used black ink. When all done sprinkle lightly with glass glitter.
Enjoy !
Here you will see the 2 1/2 ft. table top tree in my studio. I have it on top of a cabinet athe end of my long wood sewing table. The tree skirt is an adorable quilted table mat with applique spools "Spoolin Around" by KansasTroubles Quilters.
I will probably add more ornaments as some idea catches my fancy. So far I put a couple vintage tape measures, then clipped some antique wooden straight clothespins to some branches.
Next, an idea with used patterns and styrofoam eggs came to mind. So.....for the eggs simply get whatever size styrofoam egg you want. Add a nice layer of Modge Podge. Then begin layering strips of vintage patterns in crisscross fashion. Set the egg on a plastic drying rack that Folkart painters use. This has the tiny nubs all over. Holds the item up.
The next day do again. You can add however many layers you want. After this was totally dry I made a hole in top, squirted some glue into this area and put loop made with ribbon.
The hang tags were made using some flavored tea dyed tags. After drying I cut out of my quilt magazines tiny pictures of quilts. Glue to tag. Stencil whatever quilting or sewing term on the tag. I used black ink. When all done sprinkle lightly with glass glitter.
Enjoy !
Monday, December 17, 2012
Just a note to let you know that I am no longer with the Old FarmHouse Gathering Team on Etsy.
Due to the hypocrisy and just downright nasty treatment I have left that group.
It is not healthy for a person to deal with drama. We should be encouraging each other instead of nit picking.
Anyway, am praying no one is planning to join. Please consider it long and hard before doing so.
Have been in contact with some others that left, some were mods..and their sentiment is the same as mine.
Unfortunately, the one mod, Lucy and one of the memebers, Robin are not a pleasant persons to work with. Very biased.
Enough said.
I have joined two new Christian groups where it is ok to opine our Christian values :) I will begin posting things from these two teams.
Again, if you are considering joining the OFG Team on Etsy please contact me before doing so or visit my FaceBook page - Susan Wolf Green. Will be happy to message you.
Dec 18 an update....the one moderator has continued to harrass me with threatening emails. Really mature huh. So sad. Like I said above...will be more than happy to tell you the facts, names and truth in this. This world really doesn't need bullys such as these two ladies.
Due to the hypocrisy and just downright nasty treatment I have left that group.
It is not healthy for a person to deal with drama. We should be encouraging each other instead of nit picking.
Anyway, am praying no one is planning to join. Please consider it long and hard before doing so.
Have been in contact with some others that left, some were mods..and their sentiment is the same as mine.
Unfortunately, the one mod, Lucy and one of the memebers, Robin are not a pleasant persons to work with. Very biased.
Enough said.
I have joined two new Christian groups where it is ok to opine our Christian values :) I will begin posting things from these two teams.
Again, if you are considering joining the OFG Team on Etsy please contact me before doing so or visit my FaceBook page - Susan Wolf Green. Will be happy to message you.
Dec 18 an update....the one moderator has continued to harrass me with threatening emails. Really mature huh. So sad. Like I said above...will be more than happy to tell you the facts, names and truth in this. This world really doesn't need bullys such as these two ladies.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Of course this Easter Holiday is totally about Jesus and what He did for us on the cross....but I do enjoy the Spring Season with all the new birth of His creation ! Love
the new critters coming into existence. Who can resist those soft little guys. And oh my the flowers peeping through the ground getting ready to display their colorful clothing !
The air that is usually a bit cooler this time of year makes it perfect to get out into our yards and work.
Anyway, was busy posting my Easter designs on Etsy the past month. Of course we all should remember who the great designer/creator is. He has blessed me with the urge to create from His creation. Yes, even the colors we artists claim are really from Him. He is the one that made the colors - red,yellow,blue,green,purple....and so on.
Here is a pix of some Primitive eggs I designed.
They are made with wool & felt pieces made to look like the Penny Rugs...then adorned with crinkled ribbons and rusty tiny bells attached with a rusty safety pin.
Praying each of you will have a most beloved Easter this Sunday. Never forget what was done on the cross for my and your sins.
the new critters coming into existence. Who can resist those soft little guys. And oh my the flowers peeping through the ground getting ready to display their colorful clothing !
The air that is usually a bit cooler this time of year makes it perfect to get out into our yards and work.
Anyway, was busy posting my Easter designs on Etsy the past month. Of course we all should remember who the great designer/creator is. He has blessed me with the urge to create from His creation. Yes, even the colors we artists claim are really from Him. He is the one that made the colors - red,yellow,blue,green,purple....and so on.
Here is a pix of some Primitive eggs I designed.
They are made with wool & felt pieces made to look like the Penny Rugs...then adorned with crinkled ribbons and rusty tiny bells attached with a rusty safety pin.
Praying each of you will have a most beloved Easter this Sunday. Never forget what was done on the cross for my and your sins.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Proverbs 17:17 "A friend loveth at all times."
"What is the secret of your life?" asked Mrs. Browning of Charles Kingsley. "Tell me, that I may
make mine beautiful, too." He replied: "I had a friend."
Love much, there is no waste in freely giving;
More blessed is it, even, than to receive.
He who loves much, alone finds life worth living;
Love on, through doubt and darkness; and believe
There is no thing which Love may not achieve. - Ella Wheeler Wilcox
"What is the secret of your life?" asked Mrs. Browning of Charles Kingsley. "Tell me, that I may
make mine beautiful, too." He replied: "I had a friend."
Love much, there is no waste in freely giving;
More blessed is it, even, than to receive.
He who loves much, alone finds life worth living;
Love on, through doubt and darkness; and believe
There is no thing which Love may not achieve. - Ella Wheeler Wilcox
Saturday, January 21, 2012
A Cold January Day And Nothing To Do But Stay In
A couple more photos of groupings in my home. The one has an Aladdin Drape Oil Lamp in it, some cloth Shabby Chic hearts I made, a framed Antique Easter card. The second photo shows my antique dresser top in our bedroom. To the right of clock you will see a photo of my father as a baby. Yep, the guys wore the long gowns in those days! A couple Boyd Bunnies sit in front. Vintage Crystal hold my charm bracelet and gold bangle from Arabia.
aladdin oil lamp,
boyd bunny,
glittered trees,
shabby chic,
A good day to stay in reading or sewing or designing. Decided to take a few photos showing some of my vignettes in our home.
The first pix is of my antique composition Effanbee doll Patsy. She is the large Patsy approx. 27". I have her sitting on a stool in corner of our bedroom holding a Boyd bear in her lap. Before moving to Indiana I had her completely restored by a doll maker in Florida. She is just special. Still bears the original Effanbee heart tag on her wrist.
I also have pulled out a few books from my library and scanned a few pages here and there. One of my favorite authors is the Indiana Hoosier Poet James Whitcomb Riley. My father would read from an antique book of his poems, to me before going to bed. Then we would have our prayers.
Today I looked at one verse of "A Life Lesson."
THERE ! little girl ; don't cry !
They have broken your doll I know ;
And your tea set blue,
And your play house , too,
Are things of the long ago;
But childish troubles will soon pass
There ! little girl; don't cry !
I typed the verse as written in book. This book is Child Rhynes, James Whitcomb Riley , Hoosier Pictures by Will Vawter. Copyright 1890. This antique book I have was presented to a young lady in 1929 at Christmas time.
The first pix is of my antique composition Effanbee doll Patsy. She is the large Patsy approx. 27". I have her sitting on a stool in corner of our bedroom holding a Boyd bear in her lap. Before moving to Indiana I had her completely restored by a doll maker in Florida. She is just special. Still bears the original Effanbee heart tag on her wrist.
I also have pulled out a few books from my library and scanned a few pages here and there. One of my favorite authors is the Indiana Hoosier Poet James Whitcomb Riley. My father would read from an antique book of his poems, to me before going to bed. Then we would have our prayers.
Today I looked at one verse of "A Life Lesson."
THERE ! little girl ; don't cry !
They have broken your doll I know ;
And your tea set blue,
And your play house , too,
Are things of the long ago;
But childish troubles will soon pass
There ! little girl; don't cry !
I typed the verse as written in book. This book is Child Rhynes, James Whitcomb Riley , Hoosier Pictures by Will Vawter. Copyright 1890. This antique book I have was presented to a young lady in 1929 at Christmas time.
artist creation,
boyd bear,
child rhymes,
composition doll,
Will Vawter
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Thinking about this time of year, cold, snow, snowmen and snowladies, then getting ready to springboard into reds and pinks for Valentine's Day.
So what do I do, rearrange some of my creations in the front living room that are noticably WHITE ! LOL
I have fun with vignettes! Using my creations along with vintage and antiques.
This time of year after the Christimas Season us artists are in dulldrums so to speak. Our creativity spark just isn't there, so I decided to enjoy what I have out now.
Mind you there are only two white hearts in the white vintage McCoy vase.
Enjoy !
chicken stock,
snowball block,
valentine's day,
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
This is the time of year that I hunker down and enjoy quiet hours creating in my studio. After all the Christmas is down, I leave up snowmen and anything that depicts snow. Perfect for this time of year until we decorate for Valentine's day.
I finished my SnowLady doll last night. The inspiration for her came from Create & Decorate, but I changed her around, using what supplies I had on hand.
Her body was made from white linen fabric leftover from what I have just recently used to create new curtains. Her dress, apron and cape are from vintage embroidered fabrics. The cape was then edged with the teeniest pom poms you ever saw. Her hat is wool felt, the glam belt is a piece of sequined trim. I used vintage silver tinsel around cuffs on legs and arms.
Her super baggy pantaloons was made with vintage flocked fabric. Of course the flocking looks like snowballs!
I used a paper mache ball for her head. I sprinkle glass glitter on head and hat.
She is approx. 24" long to top of hat.
I finished my SnowLady doll last night. The inspiration for her came from Create & Decorate, but I changed her around, using what supplies I had on hand.
Her body was made from white linen fabric leftover from what I have just recently used to create new curtains. Her dress, apron and cape are from vintage embroidered fabrics. The cape was then edged with the teeniest pom poms you ever saw. Her hat is wool felt, the glam belt is a piece of sequined trim. I used vintage silver tinsel around cuffs on legs and arms.
Her super baggy pantaloons was made with vintage flocked fabric. Of course the flocking looks like snowballs!
I used a paper mache ball for her head. I sprinkle glass glitter on head and hat.
She is approx. 24" long to top of hat.
artist creation,
cloth dolls,
snowball block,
vintage fabric,
Friday, December 23, 2011
Due to my health issues wasn't able to get our 10 1/2 ft. tree up this year. We have boxes and boxes of antique ornaments which normally takes me 3 days to get it all on, lights included. Anyway, decided to put out a couple more of my Alpine trees and decorate them. Here is one in our front living room. I used vintage flocked fabrics to make the "poufs" then added vintage gold tinsel and bulbs. On the base I added a new large floral poinsettia wreath. It fits perfectly over the base. Thought this was a new flip on a Christmas tree skirt. As you can see this is in whites. I love white, our home has lots of white shades.
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas
chicken stock,
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